Turtle Nest Excavations: Public Hatch Success Evaluations
Sea turtles are an integral link in many ecological food webs throughout the world. Feasting on Jellyfish, sponges, distributing nutrients, these world travelers are maintaining the health of Earth's oceans and support other marine life. The beginning of an arduous and long life journey begins on the beaches we step foot on every day here in Brevard County, we want to share it with you.
Nest digs are public hatch success evaluations, or a permitted unearthing of a sea turtle nest found on our beaches to examine the contents of what was laid months prior.
Nest digs are public hatch success evaluations, or a permitted unearthing of a sea turtle nest found on our beaches to examine the contents of what was laid months prior.
@ Coconut Point Park
3535 South Hwy. A1a
Melbourne Beach, Fl. 32951
July & August
7:30 am
Registration will be limited and please arrive 5 minutes early to factor in time to check in and walk to the nest.
3535 South Hwy. A1a
Melbourne Beach, Fl. 32951
July & August
7:30 am
Registration will be limited and please arrive 5 minutes early to factor in time to check in and walk to the nest.
We have once again obtained the permit to provide Public Hatch Success Evaluations (MTP 23-149), which are generally called, "daytime digs". As described in the Marine Turtle Handbook of FWC, nest "digs" are a vital part of sea turtle conservation. "While the total number of nests on Florida beaches is important to determine population status, it is only one piece of the puzzle. An equally important piece is estimating how many hatchlings emerge annually (i.e., egg-to-hatchling survivorship). Because sea turtle eggs are subjected to a variety of incubation environments, including many that are affected by human activities, we encourage you to conduct inventories for nest productivity on a representative sample of the nests in your survey area each year." -FWC Sea turtle Handbook. This is what you can take part in. We will excavate selected Loggerhead nests and if there are hatchlings that can be released, it is possible to witness this. Come to the "Dig" to find out more about what this is!
Events are rain or shine, lightning can delay events.
If you want to read about nesting surveys and the roles of the FWC Click here.
Events are rain or shine, lightning can delay events.
If you want to read about nesting surveys and the roles of the FWC Click here.
Feel free to bring a little bug spray and water, beach conditions can be variable!
Below is a video given to us with hatchlings emerging from a nest:
Below is a video given to us with hatchlings emerging from a nest:
You can click the link above or see calendar below and click on link within the date. Nest Excavations are in green.
Calendar may not fit on mobile version- please turn your phone to see all dates.
Calendar may not fit on mobile version- please turn your phone to see all dates.