You want to join our team of dedicated volunteers? Check out the opportunities!
Community Outreach (3-6hrs x/Month)
Coordinate or help coordinate community events like beach cleanups, attend tables at events that we participate in year round like STEAM fest, IRL science fest, Creature Fest, Ocean Reef Beach Festival, Sea Treasures,IRL Fest in Vero Beach, Oxbow Eco Center Earth Day and a few other events.
Data Input (12hrs x/Month)
Work with our senior researchers Ashley, Melissa, and other researchers to be trained on data that needs to be recorded, inputted and managed.
Eco Camps (Summer Only, 20hrs x/Week)
Work alongside camp director, biologist and junior mentors to guide campers during week long environmental camp Melbourne Beach location and Fort Pierce.
Education (Various Programs) (4-6hrs x/Week)
Assist Lead Educator for dissection classes and bio/chem labs, gather items, help set up, assist students etc. Lead explorations if desired, assist with students otherwise. Assist/lead tidal pool classes-middle school marine science classes every other week. Melbourne Beach location.
Events (3-6hrs x/Month)
Help our events coordinator with organizing and running different events we have year round. Examples are Volunteer Appreciation Event, Sea Turtle Trainings, Intern Appreciation, Gala events and Jeopardy event.
Fundraising Initiatives (3-6hrs x/Month)
Help formulate a fundraising team and implement strategies for events that can improve fundraising. Create ideas and follow them through to completion of a fundraising season and events.
HOI (July-October 3-5hrs x/Week)
Measuring hatchling orientation: ocean direction, angular range, and mode measurements will be recorded. Determining hatchling fate: Every 10th nest is measured for hatchling orientation will be marked after investigation for a nest productivity survey 72 hours post emergence as directed by FWC Marine Turtle handbook guidelines *must attend FWC training to be lead role.
Light Intensity Data Collection (2x/Year 5-6hrs)
Take lighting samples on beaches at night (9pm and later) with photometer to measure beach lighting intensity affecting sea turtles.
Nest Digs (end of July-September 3-5hrs x/Week)
Assist with nest excavation evaluations, different roles will be assigned. *Must attend FWC trainings.
Night Walks (June-July minimum 3hrs/week)
Help guide guests in an immersive night walk to observe the nesting and egg-laying process of Loggerhead sea turtle within the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. Different roles will be assigned *must attend FWC trainings.
Social Media Management (3-5hrs/Week)
Keep SMER Facebook & IG accounts updated with guidance from staff. Be able to document sea turtle work and educational experiences as well as other events that SMER is working on. Must have a smart cellphone to be able to do it while at events.
Teen Research Group (4-7hrs/Week)
Assist with monthly meetings for teen researchers.
Help with project design and direction for teen research groups.
If possible, leading meetings would be ideal and attending organized beach clean ups with group as well as projects.
Coordinate or help coordinate community events like beach cleanups, attend tables at events that we participate in year round like STEAM fest, IRL science fest, Creature Fest, Ocean Reef Beach Festival, Sea Treasures,IRL Fest in Vero Beach, Oxbow Eco Center Earth Day and a few other events.
Data Input (12hrs x/Month)
Work with our senior researchers Ashley, Melissa, and other researchers to be trained on data that needs to be recorded, inputted and managed.
Eco Camps (Summer Only, 20hrs x/Week)
Work alongside camp director, biologist and junior mentors to guide campers during week long environmental camp Melbourne Beach location and Fort Pierce.
Education (Various Programs) (4-6hrs x/Week)
Assist Lead Educator for dissection classes and bio/chem labs, gather items, help set up, assist students etc. Lead explorations if desired, assist with students otherwise. Assist/lead tidal pool classes-middle school marine science classes every other week. Melbourne Beach location.
Events (3-6hrs x/Month)
Help our events coordinator with organizing and running different events we have year round. Examples are Volunteer Appreciation Event, Sea Turtle Trainings, Intern Appreciation, Gala events and Jeopardy event.
Fundraising Initiatives (3-6hrs x/Month)
Help formulate a fundraising team and implement strategies for events that can improve fundraising. Create ideas and follow them through to completion of a fundraising season and events.
HOI (July-October 3-5hrs x/Week)
Measuring hatchling orientation: ocean direction, angular range, and mode measurements will be recorded. Determining hatchling fate: Every 10th nest is measured for hatchling orientation will be marked after investigation for a nest productivity survey 72 hours post emergence as directed by FWC Marine Turtle handbook guidelines *must attend FWC training to be lead role.
Light Intensity Data Collection (2x/Year 5-6hrs)
Take lighting samples on beaches at night (9pm and later) with photometer to measure beach lighting intensity affecting sea turtles.
Nest Digs (end of July-September 3-5hrs x/Week)
Assist with nest excavation evaluations, different roles will be assigned. *Must attend FWC trainings.
Night Walks (June-July minimum 3hrs/week)
Help guide guests in an immersive night walk to observe the nesting and egg-laying process of Loggerhead sea turtle within the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge. Different roles will be assigned *must attend FWC trainings.
Social Media Management (3-5hrs/Week)
Keep SMER Facebook & IG accounts updated with guidance from staff. Be able to document sea turtle work and educational experiences as well as other events that SMER is working on. Must have a smart cellphone to be able to do it while at events.
Teen Research Group (4-7hrs/Week)
Assist with monthly meetings for teen researchers.
Help with project design and direction for teen research groups.
If possible, leading meetings would be ideal and attending organized beach clean ups with group as well as projects.
Below is a list of the forms needed for joining our team. The forms are fillable and will need to be filled out prior to start dates. Thank you for wanting to join our team!